Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Clothes, Moms and Obsessions

Here is the pretty outfit that I wore today:

Earrings: Charming Charlies
Top: Forever 21
Pants: Gap 1969
Boots: Dress Barn

The other day I DVR'd the TV show, My Mom's Obsessed. I have not watched it yet, but it has got me thinking. Is there anything I'm obsessed with? Right now, the answer is no. Prior to me losing my job, losing my Dad and gaining the weight I've gained, I would say I was obsessed, but I was passionate about many things. Some of these things I still have an interest in, but being fully passionate, that's gone right now. This is not meant to be some sad sob story, but somethng more positive. I know I will get that passion back. It's going to be a journey to get it back, but I know I will get it back. It will be in God's time.

Anyway, these are the things I was obsessed/passionate about:

1. Fashion: I always dreamed about being a buyer for Neiman Marcus. Life took me in a different direction, but I the interest in fashion has always been there. I am a visual person and I think that's part of the reason why I have this interest. I love the history of fashion, the feeling of the different fabrics, the colors and combinations of different clothing and the beauty overall. Clothing is like artwork to me....some items are masterpieces and others are..eh, not so much.

2. Movies: I could watch a different movie everyday. My Netflix list would be a mile long. I would love the Friday's paper because all the new releases would be critiqued, along with the synopsis of the movie. And I had to know who every actor and actress was in the movies I watched. IMDB was my best friend. I have a small talent of being able to name the actors in each movie and also tell you what other movies that have been in. I can talk about actors and their "stats" like guys can name athletes in their favorite sports and quote their stats.

3. Experiencing the world: This could be traveling to Spain or going to the farmers market down the street. There is so much that this beautiful world has to offer and I want to see and experience as much of it as possible with the time God has given me. I never got people who were homebodies and never do anything outside of whatever town they live in. Right now, I am that person, but this is a phase, not my true lifestyle. I used to rather be on the go and either have my friends or family by my side. I especially liked to bring my daughters along for whatever adventure I would partake, because I wanted to broaden their horizons. I want them to try different foods, experience different cultural events, see different parts of the world or learn a new activity. I also loved being a part of what I considered to be traditional events. Some of these are going to the South Side Irish Parade, opening day for the Chicago Cubs, going to the Taste of Randolph or some other street festival, going to Ravinia, having a night out in the summer eating outdoors at my favorite Tapas restaraunt, going on our yearly family vacation to Florida, etc. This year, that's all been on hold. But the desire is there. For example, this Thursday is the Cubs opening day and I already feel that longing to be there; to be part of the energy of the fans in Wrigleyville. Next year...next year.

One quality I liked about myself was my passion, my lust, for life. One of my good friends once said I could talk about going to get a gallon of milk at the grocery store and talk about it like I was on the most amazing adventure ever. I would make the story so interesting that it would make her want to go get milk at the grocery store, too. Ha, Ha! I WILL be that person again.

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