Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

Hi Everyone!

I hope everyone is enjoying their Memorial Day, filling up on hamburgers and hotdogs, going swimming, enjoying time with their family and friends and remembering the ultimate heroes today: our soldiers.

I am grateful for each and everyone of our soldiers...from before my time, my time now and the soldiers of the future. I am blessed to live in the US. I am blessed I have clean water. I am blessed that I am living in a safe home, to have a car to take me any distance I choose to go and I have food to provide nourishment for my daughters and me. I am blessed that I can relax today and we all have clean sheets and a comfortable bed to sleep in every night. These are just a few things that I am blessed with, but I know that I wouldn't have these blessings without the biggest blessing of all-our soldiers. Without a doubt, this is what makes me smile the most today. Of course, there are other things so I want to share them with you:

1.I will have a Frech Cottage shabby chic look throughout my whole home one day. I'm already starting to incoorporate this look and I hope it will be the whole decor, eventually.

2. This dress is from Asos. When I am home, I will match the decor.
3. Budapest
4. Either one of those cruiser bikes with the baskets would do for me.

5. I know, morbid show. But it's a good show and I'm watching it, so I smile.
6. i squared. "Hey Sexy Lady." Makes me want to dance!

I leave you all with this:

To Everyone, have a memorable Memorial Day!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

I keep thinking it's Sunday!

My mind is out of sorts today....I was going to start posting pics of what I was wearing today, but it was rainy and dreary and just one of those days when I just want to wear a big sweatshirt and comfy jeans. Not a good 1st pic. So, today is going to be a post of pics. Enjoy!
Red Rocks
                                                  Peek A Boo

Monday, May 23, 2011


Good evening everyone!

Tonight, I would like to introduce you to one of my daughters. I have 2 daughters and both of their names start with the letter M. Tonight I am referring to M#2. Most people refer to M#2 as my Mini-Me. She is in so many ways. When I introduce you to M#1, you will see she is NOT my mini-me. But, I adore the fact that I have 2 daughters who are so completely different. It enriches my daily Mom life in ways it wouldn't if they were alike. M#2 is vibrant and full of joy. I generally dislike when people say "That person is so full of life." because aren't we all? One thing that brings my heart pure bliss is hearing M#2 sing. She sings ALL THE TIME. As a matter of fact, I can hear her in the living room singing right at this moment. There are moments when my mind needs quiet and I wish she wasn't singing, but to me when I hear a child sing, to me it is a form of showing how happy they are inside of themselves. There are 2 things M#2's singing does for me. In some way, it validates me as a mother that I am providing a happy life and environment for her. The 2nd thing it does is remind me of my childhood. I remember spending many nights in my room singing. I remember singing at the age of 3, holding a microphone in my hand and dancing back and forth. At the age of 4 and 5, I knew every word to every Grease song. That was my High School Musical. Then a few years later, I went through my Annie phase and I knew every word to every song and bought the soundtrack to the Annie movie. I even went as far as to try out for the local theatrical performance of Annie, although I did not get a part. It didn't stop me from singing, though. I went on to memorizing "Mickey" and the cheerleading dance routine that was in the music video. And of course, I loved me some Michael Jackson "Thriller"! It's striking how one characteristic of someone's personality can live on in others. Wouldn't it be great when she has a daughter of her own, that she will sing and dance all the time, too?

When I told my daughter's I was going to try to start a blog, I received 2 different reactions, which was no surprise and both were not negative. M#2 knew that one topic I would like to feature is fashion and the what we may be wearing that day. Tonight, she asked me if I could take a picture of her wearing a pair of sunglasses she bought at Wet Seal. Of course, I obliged. So, tonight I introduce you to M#2:

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Dream Realized!

This is my very 1st post on my very 1st blog. To say I am excited is an understatement. So, what should I write about for my 1st post?

I am starting with a picture of Cape Town. One of my High School friends lives there now and made it possible for me to see this beautiful picture. With the weather being dreary and raining on and off here in IL, I close my eyes and see myself sitting in this pool soaking up the sun. This may not sound healthy to some, but when I dream of being a part of this picture, I can actually feel the sun hitting my skin and my skin feeling it's warmth sinking into it. For those of you who are in Cape Town now, you are blessed and I hope you realize you are living in a piece of  heaven on earth.

So, one dream realized by starting this blog and another dream created by viewing this picture. I've made several dreams come true, so I'm crossing my fingers I will make this one true, as well.

My final thought for today that I leave you all with is this:

May you always have blessings to count, even in those times when there doesn’t appear to be one.